Weight loss surgeries should not be an immediate fix or cure-all for teens who are obese. There has not been a lot of recorded data documentation on the long-term effects of weight-loss surgeries on obese teens. Medical professionals are still learning how weight-loss surgeries affect development and growth in adolescents. The main thing to remember is that weight loss surgeries just as in adults do not guarantee that a person will lose all of their weight or be able to maintain it long term, as well as there, are serious complications that can arise from weight-loss surgeries. Another important piece of information to remember is that weight loss surgery does not replace living a healthy lifestyle including diet restrictions and regular physical activity. If anything anyone having weight loss surgery must not only follow a strict regimen of medical instructions including a closely monitored activity level and diet. Moreover, idealica krople is another effective way through which you can lose weight without going through any surgical procedure.
Providing the adolescent has been properly evaluated by a physician and it has been determined medically that they are healthy enough for the surgery, the teen may be referred for one of the options of weight loss surgery such as lap band or gastric bypass. Adolescents, as well as adults undergoing extreme weight loss surgery options, must have a whole array of medical specialists made available for not only the evaluation before the surgery but for management after the surgery, so as to ensure proper guidance such as psychologists, dietitians, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, and physical therapists along with many other medical avenues.
The age at when someone can undergo the surgery varies, several different things have to be considered such as if there is an obesity-related problem that the patient is having, age, and overall physical health of the patient along with other medical and psychological factors. Sometimes adolescents, as well as any adult that may be considering weight loss surgery, may be made to start a diet before the surgery to get into the best physical condition as possible before the actual surgery, in order to reduce any complications or serious side effects that may arise.
There are several side effects and reasons not to have weight loss surgery whether someone is an adolescent or an adult.
The reasons why someone shouldn’t have weight loss surgery include:
The biggest reason is probably one of the most simple to talk over and thoroughly think through. Any surgery is risky and can have possibly serious side effects, weight loss surgery is no different and is very risky for the person undergoing the procedure. Although risks are no greater for adolescents as they are for obese adults, the facts remain that the person more than likely has many health concerns going into the surgery and can have a large array of things go wrong during and after the surgery. Risks typically vary depending on the type of surgery.
Gastric bypass complications include:
- Leakage from the stomach into other areas of the body such as the abdominal cavity.
- Infections or inflammation such as the incision.
- A stricture or narrowing of the junction between the intestines and the stomach
- Blockage of blood flow in the lungs
- Bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, all are possible if the stomach contents move too fast through the body’s digestive system.
- Added risks can include sweating, fatigue, weakness, hernias, ulcers, gallstones, and anemia, or other vitamin deficiencies such as potassium problems.
Although some risks can be prevented and may be reduced such as with supplements started before the surgery or in extreme cases blood transfusions can be prepared before the surgery. All surgeries have risks that can not be foreseen such as death, which is a risk with any major surgery.
Lap-Band side effects include many of the same complications along with:
Slippage of the lap band, which may occur when the patient undergoes persistent vomiting. The “Lap-Band” procedure has strict food intake instructions so as vomiting can be avoided however if too much food is eaten at one setting the end result is regurgitation.
- Erosion of the lap band into the stomach over time.
- Deflation of the lap band
- Bleeding, infection or inflammation
- Stomach pouch enlargement
- Stoma Blockage which is the stomach outlet.
- Surgeries for weight loss such as “Lap Band and Gastric Bypass” are not meant for adolescents or adults which have:
- A drug abuse problem with the prior year, substance abuse poses major risk factors with any surgery especially weight loss surgery
- A medical and correctable reason which is causing obesity such as a gland condition or thyroid problem
Any factors that may impair the adolescent or parents from comprehending the surgical procedure and guidelines, including the risk factors and restrictions after the surgery. Any lack of unwillingness or ability to follow the surgery instructions will disqualify someone for weight loss surgery.
Plans to become pregnant within a two-year span after surgery or anyone that has recently had a pregnancy must wait in order to have weight loss surgery.
The positives of having weight loss surgery for adolescents or adults include:
To control morbid obesity, morbidly obese people have a very good chance of dying because of their obesity and dramatic measures such as weight loss surgery can help them extend their lives if serious complications don’t arise. Anyone who is morbidly obese must weigh the consequences along with the positives.
To improve the quality of life for someone who is obese, most morbidly obese people including adolescents have mobility problems and other medical conditions that keep them from living a full life.
To improve the physical and medical condition of someone that is obese, many obese adolescents, as well as adults, have added medical conditions such as diabetes and heart problems that can be improved with dramatic weight loss.