Do you have ringing in your ear? Both ears? Inside your head? Or would you describe it as a buzzing, hissing, or high-pitched whistle? Is it continuous? You have what is known as tinnitus. It can range from relatively quiet background noise to a loud sound that blocks external noises. It is a symptom rather than a disease itself, this is why you should immediately start with Sonus complete and get in touch with your doctor so that you can get this medical issue cured as soon as possible. 

Subjective tinnitus is difficult to measure because the patient is the only one who hears it. Among the causes of subjective tinnitus are the same conditions that result in hearing loss, such as repeated exposure to noises over 70 dB. You should wear earplugs when you will be around loud noise, whether it is connected with your work or with pleasure, such as a rock concert or fireworks display. Inappropriate doses of drugs that can be injurious to your hearing may also result in ringing in your ears. Tinnitus can be caused by inner ear trauma or malfunction. 

Problems outside the ear and auditory nerve, but within the head, such as TMJ (temporomandibular joint) or dental problems, may result in ringing in the ears. Tinnitus is often present when there are memory issues, anxiety, fatigue, or a general state of poor health.

An Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor will help with your diagnosis and be able to determine which of several treatments will provide a cure for you. Infections, foreign objects, and excess wax in your ears can all cause subjective tinnitus. If your doctor can hear the noise in your head, you have objective tinnitus, possibly caused by a physical problem such as muscle spasm, altered blood flow, or even an aneurysm, which is manifesting itself in this noise.

Treatments for tinnitus are many and varied, like the causes. The guidelines for overall health and welfare apply: don’t smoke, eat well, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, and take supplemental vitamins. Elimination of stimulants, such as coffee, and cholesterol-causing animal fats, such as butter and red meat, can provide relief. Subjective tinnitus can be treated with acupuncture, psychological counseling, or some form of relaxation therapy. Sometimes tinnitus can simply go away by itself.

The following herbal remedies are commonly used in tinnitus treatment:

* Avena sativa (wild oat) lowers cholesterol and benefits circulation.

* Ginkgo biloba increases circulation and helps reverse conditions resulting from aging.

* Rosmarinus Officinalis (rosemary) is good for circulation and is considered a mood-elevator.

* Salicylic ac. improves circulation, balance, and hearing.

* Valerian will help you sleep, as well Melatonin.

* Verbena Officinalis is used to treat stress.

* Zinc, B-12, C, E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and essential fatty acids are often recommended for tinnitus treatment.

Relief for tinnitus can also be provided by mechanical aids, such as noise generators that neutralize the tinnitus sound and hearing aids that amplify external sound so it can be heard over the tinnitus.